Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Just like the catsuits they used to wear in the 70's...huh?
This week, I sketched my drawing in my sketchbook and scanned it into the computer to color. I only did it in pencil, so I went ahead and traced the sketch in paint shop pro and colored it in that way. I think he turned out pretty good. I also played with drop shadows and cutouts a little too.
Below is my rough sketch...I love the rough sketches! It looks neat colored in, but the sketch has so much personality!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

IF - My Paradise

As long as I'm happy, I'm in paradise. Here is a girl and her pup...far away from the hectic city and the grind...I wish I could do this more often...then I'd be in paradise!

This is my first attempt using watercolor pencils after making outlines in marker and scanning it into the computer. I adjusted the colors a bit, but now I think its too dark.

Anyway, I am a sketcher...since I don't usually do anything with my work, I'm not used to finishing it. I usually draw a pencil sketch and then move on the next thing I want to draw (short attention span). I hope Illustration Friday will help me finish more sketches so I can figure out a the medium I like to work in. I tried to color this on the computer, but I'm still not that great at it. I need to practice...if it wasn't for this whole full time job thing getting in the way...hmmm...

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Bird is the word

Here are a few drawings of birds I did straight into Paint Shop Pro. I like the idea of sketching by hand and scanning them to be colored on the computer, but I have more to learn on that.
I have always been a sketcher, but have never really gotten into coloring. I have a very short attention span, so my sketches has always been enough. I want to learn more about the whole process of creating an illustration. I found a watercolor notebook on sale at Michael's not too long ago. I better get practicing with my coloring, because I now have a reason to finish sketches...this blog.

IF - Cars "Mobile Home-Office"

Someday I'd like to have kids, and I'd like to keep working, but would like to work at home. It all sounds so glamorous, but I hope this isn't me someday! I can barely listen to the radio and drive let alone call into a meeting, check email, and read the newspaper while driving. That is why I call this drawing "Mobile Home-Office"...hee hee...sounds like a puzzle on wheel of fortune.

This is my second drawing for Illustration Friday. The theme is cars, but I figure it still counts if the setting is inside a car. Last week I drew on power point, but this week I was able to spend time sketching.
I am not completely happy with this because I rushed it a bit since it was my first time scanning a sketch and coloring it in with Paint Shop Pro. I like completing the whole drawing on the computer, but I love sketching, so I want to be able to do both.

I don't have photoshop or illustrator, but hope to someday. I got PSP with my new computer because I was able to get a good deal on it. I still have a lot to learn. I wanted to add shading and spend more time on color, but I decided to add a texture to the paint in order to give it some dimension. I wanted to get it done and submit it so it would be up on the web for at least a couple of days. I'll just keep playing with it until I get used to it and feel comfortable. I keep looking up tutorials online about PSP. It seems like a pretty competent program, but I know Adobe is probably better.

Friday, May 25, 2007

New IF!

WooHoo...new Illustration Friday challenge is up...Hmmm "Cars" is the topic...lets see, what can I do...Hmm...

What?!?! People have already submitted pictures! My goodness! How did they do that so fast?!!? Oh well, its not a race. Just more motivation to spend the weekend sketching.

Thanks by the way to the people who commented on my last drawing. That was very nice of you and a nice welcome to the community. I will enjoy the compliments and try to use the critiques in my future sketches. I didn't even think about the whole we-read-left-to-right thing, so I should have switch the guy and the girl so the stop sign is on the left and is the last thing you read. I think when I draw I always have my people looking to the left, so that's what influenced me. Guess I need to diversify my sketches a bit more. Hey, more practice won't hurt!

I have been thinking of enrolling in a class at a local college or community college. I live in St. Louis so that shouldn't be too hard to find. I would love to improve my skills.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My Very First IF - "Signs"

Illustration Friday word "Signs" - Drunk guy using a one-liner to hit on a girl...she is thinking "stop talking to me, weird-drunk guy who is going to hurl on me"... hence she is thinking her sign at that time is a stop sign. (I didn't think it needed an explination, but its my first sumbission to IF, so gimme a break!)

I drew the picture on power point. Not the program of choice for a designer, but I was at work on lunch when I decided to do this. About as close to vector drawing as I can get at work. Just gotta think of a reason for the company to get photoshop...its not that expensive, right?

Another Reason to Say TGIF!

Friday... the beginning of the weekend... the happy hour day... and now a new assignment from Illustration Friday!

I love being creative, whether its making handmade cards, jewelry, or drawing in my sketchbook, I'll try almost anything as long as its a creative outlet. Of course these are all just evening and weekend hobbies. During the day, I am an engineer and therefore do technical work and don't get my creativeness out as much as I'd like.

When I found the IF website I thought it would be a good way to make myself create illustrations and actually put them somewhere where people might see them. I've always hoped I could improve my drawing skills and maybe even submit a drawing for publication someday. But no one is going to go snooping into my sketchbook. So I created this blog and here we go!